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From: atm <...@v...pl>
Newsgroups: pl.misc.telefonia.gsm
Subject: Re: Co wybrać?
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 23:08:07 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On 2013-10-02 22:51, Waldek Godel wrote:
> Dnia Wed, 02 Oct 2013 21:42:02 +0200, atm napisał(a):
>> Oj tam. Mialem kilka Defy, jedna Defy Plus, kazda zrootowalem,
>> postawilem CWM, CM lub MIUI. Czy mozna czegos jeszcze oczekiwac
>> ze strony XDA?
> Łatwego wgrywania pełnego firmware z dodatkami typu Clockwork recovery przy
> użyciu odblokowanego bootloadera?
Nie wiem czy on jest blokowany, nawet w to nie wnikalem. W kazdym razie
przerabialem to z kilkoma Defy. Rootowanie i wgrywanie CWM latwe:
Install the USB drivers on your computer and restart the computer.
Shut down the phone and restart it while keeping the volume-up
button pressed. This will get your phone into bootloader mode.
Connect your phone to your computer via USB. Its bootloader drivers
will get automatically installed.
Restart the computer again and also restart your phone normally
into Android this time.
Connect your phone to your computer and let its normal drivers get
automatically installed.
Make sure USB debugging is DISABLED on your phone in Settings >
Applications > Development.
Launch SuperOneClick on your computer by right-clicking on it and
selecting 'Run as Administrator'.
Click 'Root'. It will say 'Waiting for device...'
Now ENABLE USB debugging on your phone in Settings > Applications >
Wait patiently till you see a prompt on your computer saying
'Device is rooted'.
Reboot your phone and you're done!
1. Download and install 2ndinit from the market.
2. Turn on USB debugging: Settings>Applications>Development>Android
Posted Image
3. Click on install 2ndinit Recovery. (Allow Superuser permissions).
Select install stable.
4. The LED should turn green after installation. When it does, restart
your phone.
5. Restart your phone a second time. This time, when the phone is
turning back on, press the volume down button when the LED turns blue
6. You should now be in the bootmenu. Navigate to Recovery using the
volume keys and press the power button to select it. Then select stable
7. This is ClockworkMod Recovery, your control centre for creating
backups, restoring backups, and flashing custom ROMS.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 02.10.13 23:31 Habeck Colibretto
- 02.10.13 23:33 Habeck Colibretto
- 04.10.13 10:31 Jaanwillem Rutger van Obesrauer
- 04.10.13 20:24 Jaanwillem Rutger van Obesrauer
- 04.10.13 20:59 Jaanwillem Rutger van Obesrauer
- 04.10.13 21:20 atm
- 04.10.13 22:54 Jaanwillem Rutger van Obesrauer
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