Data: 2012-07-18 15:41:18
Temat: Re: CHDK nie lubi A3200
Od: Olo <o...@f...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]On 2012-07-18 13:49, Janko Muzykant wrote:
> W dniu 2012-07-18 12:51, Olo pisze:
>> chyba nie zrozumiałeś instrukcji
>> aparat startujesz z kartą odblokowaną - dajesz w opcjach update firmware
>> powinien Ci załadować CHDK i dopiero tutaj ustawiasz w opcjach
>> bootowanie z karty.
> Nie mam opcji ''update firmware''.
W takim razie robisz coś źle.
>> No i mam nadzieję że wczytujesz odpowiedni plik dla tego aparatu.
> No nie przesadzajmy :)
Ja nie przesadzam.
Czytałeś to chociaż raz?
02 - Installation
- Exract the archive onto your SD card using an SD card-reader. You MUST
use a card-reader. You cannot copy files to your SD card by just using
"Windows File Explorer" and your camera connected by USB cable. The USB
connection to the camera is just for downloading images, not uploading
- Now that all the CHDK files are on your SD card, make sure that you
have the right version of CHDK for your camera.
- Insert the SD card into your camera.
- Start camera IN PLAYBACK-MODE.
- When you extracted the archive it placed a file on your card called
"vers.req" (or "ver.req" depending on the camera model). This will allow
you to see, with the right camera-button presses, the TRUE firmware
version of your camera (and other interesting information).
- Press your "Set" button, hold it down. While holding down your "Set"
button press your "Display" button. You will see the version of the
firmware in your camera. Confirm that it is the right firmware to match
up with the CHDK that you downloaded. Your real firmware version is NOT nor Your REAL firmware version will look something like:
"Firmware Ver GM1.00A". (Pressing "Display" again a few times while
still holding down your "Set" button will let you see even more
information about your camera, including total number of shots taken
since it was made.)
- If all went well, correct camera, correct firmware, correct CHDK, now
you can actually load and run CHDK.
- While still in PLAYBACK MODE press your camera's "Menu" button to open
Canon's Menu
- Scroll to the bottom of the menu to the "Firm Update" option which
should now be available. If by chance that you fail to see the "Firm
Update" menu option try pressing your Playback button twice. You might
have to wait 2 seconds between presses. When this is done right the lens
will retract and go into a power-saving viewer/slideshow playback mode.
This seems to be an option on most Powershot Cameras.
- Now that your menu cursor is on the "Firm Update" option, press your
"Set" button or "Right" navigation button to enter the "Firmware Update"
Screen. Either button press will work.
- Press your "Right" navigational button to select OK. Press your "Set"
button to confirm your choice.
- Your camera will now load CHDK. You should see the blue "Print" button
on the back of your camera flash a few times to let you know that CHDK
is booting, and the CHDK Splash-Screen will appear in your viewfinder or
LCD display. When fully loaded you will see a new battery-meter icon and
several other things on your LCD or EVF display. Don't worry if they
look like clutter, all of them can be turned on and off and repositioned
on your screen in CHDK's configuration menu system. (CHDK <ALT> mode /
Menu / OSD Parameters / OSD Layout Editor)
- To enter CHDK's alternate menu system, press your "Shortcut" button. A
small "<ALT>" will appear at the bottom of your screen. Whenever <ALT>
is showing you may now press your camera's "Menu" button to enter CHDK's
new menus. To exit <ALT> mode and return to your camera's normal
operation just press your "Shortcut" button again. The settings that you
apply in CHDK's menus will now be applied when using the camera normally
(while not in <ALT> mode). The only time you will use <ALT> mode for
actually taking pictures is if you run an automated CHDK script to take
your photos for you. If you want to use your "Shortcut" button's normal
function just press and hold it down a little longer. Some cameras allow
you to reconfigure your CHDK "<ALT>" toggle button in the CHDK
"Miscellaneous Stuff" menu in case you don't like it being the
"Shortcut" button.
- If you would like to have CHDK auto-load every time you power on your
camera, then go into CHDK's menu system. (Press "Shortcut" to enter
<ALT> mode, then your "Menu" button to enter CHDK's menus.) Scroll to
the bottom of the main CHDK menu to the "Debug Parameters" option.
- Enter the "Debug" menu and scroll to "Make Card Bootable...". Press
your "Set" button.
- Now remove your SD card and slide its little "write protect" tab to
the locked position. Insert the card back in your camera. Now when you
power-up your camera CHDK will automatically load. If you want to turn
off CHDK's auto-loading feature just take out the SD card and put the
write-protect tab back to the unlocked position. Don't worry about using
the card either way. CHDK is designed to work with a locked card in this
manner and all photos taken will be written to the card even when it is
- Or for Windows users: use the "CardTricks" program (will be included
here later).
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 18.07.12 15:51 Janko Muzykant
- 18.07.12 16:18 Olo
- 18.07.12 17:20 Pawel Gancarz
- 18.07.12 18:18 ajt
- 20.07.12 10:06 I.R. Baboon
- 21.07.12 01:00 Janko Muzykant
- 21.07.12 03:06 Olo
- 21.07.12 09:46 Janko Muzykant
- 22.07.12 11:34 Olo
- 22.07.12 13:18 Janko Muzykant
- 22.07.12 14:25 Olo
- 22.07.12 16:06 Janko Muzykant
- 22.07.12 20:48 Olo
- 22.07.12 20:58 Janko Muzykant
- 22.07.12 23:36 Olo
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