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From: "J.F" <j...@p...onet.pl>
Subject: Re: A propos AC/DC...
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References: <60acd640$0$500$65785112@news.neostrada.pl>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2021 18:44:41 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On Tue, 25 May 2021 12:49:35 +0200, Michal Jankowski wrote:
> Jak się synchronizuje sieci elektroenergetyczne na dużych obszarach?
> Fala 50Hz ma długość 6000km, tego się nie da pominąć...
P.S. leciutko zwiazane z tematem - jak uniknac zaklocen czestotliwosci
i powod incydentu
The long-lasting steady-state frequency deviation was caused by the
drop of a telecommunication line between substation St. Peter (APG)
and substation Simbach (TenneT DE), which stopped the measurement
value transmission to TenneT Control Centre South. The frozen
measurement values in the load frequency controller (LFC) of TenneT DE
led to an error
in the calculation of the frequency restoration control error (FRCE)
for TenneT DE and subsequently in the German LFC block. The FRCE
produced an incorrect imbalance of up to 1,000 MW. There was no
problem on the APG side as the APG LFC used measurement values from a
different source.
To tak w niedawnym temacie o wyzszosci protokolow asynchronicznych w
automatyce :-)
A swoja droga, to mnie troche dziwi, ze maja taki problem z
czestotliwoscia akurat ... zbyt dobra regulacja napiecia?
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