
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaPhotomatix Pro 4.0Photomatix Pro 4.0
  • Data: 2010-09-28 18:43:00
    Temat: Photomatix Pro 4.0
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    własnie pokazał sie upgrade Photomatix Pro 4.0

    To co się rzuca w ocy po 15 sekundach działania to usuwanie ghostów,
    podgląd predefiniowanych róznych ustawien mapowania i łączenia

    lista niektórych zmian

    Main new features in v4.0
    - Selective deghosting tool: enables users to select ghosted regions
    with a lasso tool, and change the preferred image taken for each
    - Preset thumbnails panel: built-in and user presets for tone mapping
    and fusion show as thumbnails in a panel alongside the preview.
    Panel can be set in horizontal or vertical orientation.
    - High quality noise reduction with new algorithm applied on source
    images (users can still use the old algorithm when the noise reduction
    applied to the merged 32-bit HDR image).
    - Ability to tone map a single image in 8 bits/channel mode.
    - Unified dialog for HDR Tone Mapping and Exposure Fusion methods.
    - Viewing of tone mapping or fusion settings embedded in processed
    - Improved rendering of Tone Compressor tone mapping method with
    default settings and extension of the range of the Tonal Range
    Compression setting.
    lista wszystkich zmian

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