
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaLepiej już było :-)Lepiej już było :-)
  • Data: 2021-09-28 20:21:32
    Temat: Lepiej już było :-)
    Od: Zbych <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Dla tych wszystkich, którzy z utęsknieniem czekają na ustabilizowanie
    dostaw, mam kolejną porcję dobrych wiadomości z Chin - samorządy
    prowincji ograniczają liczbę dni pracy fabryk.

    To commit the promise to the world that China will meet the emission
    peak in year 2030 and carbon neutrality in year 2060, Chinese local
    governments have taken strict-ever actions to reduce release of CO2 and
    energy comsumption by restricted supply of electricity power. Perhaps
    you have noticed that the recent "dual control of energy
    consumption"policy of the Chinese government. Which has a certain impact
    on the production capacity of some manufacturing companies, and the
    delivery of orders in some industries has to be delayed.

    Some areas supply 5 days and stop 2 days in a week, some supply 3 and
    stop 4 days, some even just supply 2 days but stop 5 days.

    1:Forexample: Jiangsu, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces has been
    adjusted to "run for 6 days and stop 1 day" in our factory

    2: Some areas in the Pearl River Delta region (like Shenzhen) are
    already experiencing "run for 1 days and stop for 6 days", which is
    seriously affecting production.

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