Data: 2013-06-08 04:54:32
Temat: Jeden jezyk juz nie wystarczy?...
Od: A.L. <a...@a...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Dr. Dobbs pisze:
"The greatest effect these changes have had on software development is
the requirement of multiple languages. Web apps, by definition, are
multilanguage beasts. Many mobile apps require more than one language;
and even if they can be written in one language, they often rely on a
Web- or cloud-based back-end that's written in an entirely different
language. And, of course, big data is written using all forms of
specialized languages. We have had to become polyglots to develop
almost any current application. As a result, when the research and
analysis firm Forrester recently surveyed our readers about how much
time they spend writing in any given language..."
"The movement from few to many languages has important ramifications.
For example, it's now more difficult to find programmer talent that
satisfies all the needs of a project; and it's more difficult as a
programmer to be deeply fluent in all the necessary languages and
idioms. These obstacles might suggest division of labor along the
lines of programming languages (which likely reflect different
concerns and separate components), but as the first chart shows, this
is not happening..."
P.S. To rowniez kontrybuuje do dystkusji "jaki jezyk jest najlepszy".
Z powyzszego artykulu wynika odpowiedz: ten WLASCIWY
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- 08.06.13 14:56 A.L.
- 08.06.13 16:01 identyfikator: 20040501
- 08.06.13 18:37 Michal Kleczek
- 09.06.13 11:51 Adam Przybyla
- 09.06.13 16:00 A.L.
- 11.06.13 13:44 Michal Kleczek
- 11.07.13 15:38 firr
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