
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingJeden jezyk juz nie wystarczy?...Re: Jeden jezyk juz nie wystarczy?...
  • Data: 2013-06-08 18:37:08
    Temat: Re: Jeden jezyk juz nie wystarczy?...
    Od: Michal Kleczek <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On 2013-06-08 04:54, A.L. wrote:
    > Dr. Dobbs pisze:
    > "The greatest effect these changes have had on software development is
    > the requirement of multiple languages. Web apps, by definition, are
    > multilanguage beasts. Many mobile apps require more than one language;
    > and even if they can be written in one language, they often rely on a
    > Web- or cloud-based back-end that's written in an entirely different
    > language. And, of course, big data is written using all forms of
    > specialized languages. We have had to become polyglots to develop
    > almost any current application. As a result, when the research and
    > analysis firm Forrester recently surveyed our readers about how much
    > time they spend writing in any given language..."
    > ...
    > "The movement from few to many languages has important ramifications.
    > For example, it's now more difficult to find programmer talent that
    > satisfies all the needs of a project; and it's more difficult as a
    > programmer to be deeply fluent in all the necessary languages and
    > idioms. These obstacles might suggest division of labor along the
    > lines of programming languages (which likely reflect different
    > concerns and separate components), but as the first chart shows, this
    > is not happening..."

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