
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaFPGA - XilinxFPGA - Xilinx
  • Data: 2013-10-17 11:46:43
    Temat: FPGA - Xilinx
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    Mam problem, pierdylnełem opis na grupę dyskusyjną Xilinxa. Czasami dają sensowne
    odpowiedzi, czasami nie. A problem kurde pilny!! Poniżej daję kopię tego co do nich
    nabazgrałem po hamerykańsku. Jeżeli macie jakieś pomysły dot. rozwiązania problemu,
    to weźcie coś podpowiedzcie. Bo tydzień+ już nad tym ślęczę i nie mam do Pani
    Nędzy pomysła jak to rozkminić..

    Poniżej szczegóły po hamerykańsku:


    I've got a problem on my custom board. Based on XC6SLX45-324. OK, let's make you know
    what I whant to do. Step by step:

    1) Deserialization of data from just only one channel of AD9272. In fact, the logic
    works fine according to my idea (2 shift registers+bits aligment). However, it works
    fine up to 20MHz main (frame) clock frequency.

    2) In fact, I should capture the data from AD9272 reliably @80MHz!!

    3) For sure I've got the timing problems, because the design works fine @20MHz and at
    higher frequenies fails. NOT a simulation, a real world!! LVDS signals are well
    routed on my PCB and equally terminated by both TX/RX devices (AD9272/XCS6SLX45)

    3) I've tried to use SelectIO Interface Winard 4.1 . Let's go page by page:

    Page 1:

    - Component name : del_line (name says what I intend to do. Just a delay of some tap
    data delay [ps] in order to match the clocking "eye")

    - Data Bus direction: Configure inputs to the device
    - I/O signaling : differential
    - I/O signaling stardant: LVDS 2.5

    Page 2:

    All the checkboxes are unchecked, External data width is set to "1".

    Page 3:

    - Delay Inserted Into Data Routing : I select *FIXED*, initialy set to *0*

    Page 4:

    - Clock Signaling : Differantial/LVDS 2.5
    - Clock Buffer : BUFIO2
    - Active Clock Edge : Both Rising and Falling
    - Input DDR data aligment : Both Clock Edges: none
    - IDDR reset type : ASYNC

    Page 5:

    Delay inserted Into clock routing : 0


    OK, then I click OK, wait a little, report says that the IP has been succesfuly

    Well, now I put my new generated module into schematics. New generated module has
    such a ports:


    DATA_IN_TO_THE_DEVICE(1:0) - no question, understand it as 2 incoming data on pos and
    neg clock edge.


    DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_P(0:0) - LVDS(+) one wire "bus" as specified on core requirement
    DATA_IN_FROM_PINS_N(0:0) - LVDS(-) one wire "bus" as specified on core requirement

    CLK_IN_P/N - LVDS input clock pair from external device (AD9512)


    ATTENTION!! Here are problematic inputs and outputs:

    1) IP core generator makes 2 additional inputs:

    - CLK_RESET and IO_RESET. I've GND'ed both of them on my sch. Implementation
    process says ERROR about the unknown CLK_RESET pin!

    - OK, I've created a new sch module according to IP Core VHDL generated module.
    - Implementation : succesfull!!

    2) NOTHING on CLK_OUT !! Constant logical '0'.!!

    3) For sure, there is no problem on my PCB. When I implement a test design with
    CLK+/CLK- into the FPGA => IBUFGDS => CLK any counter => any bit into the output,
    then I see on my scope, everything works fine.

    4) I'm affraid, that something is wrong with the IP wizard. Can you help me in this

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