
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowa › 50 lat bagnetu F
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 2

  • 1. Data: 2009-03-24 13:51:56
    Temat: 50 lat bagnetu F
    Od: Waldek Godel <>

    Happy 50th Birthday, Nikon F Mount
    By matt buchanan, 7:20 PM on Mon Mar 23 2009, 4,443 views

    Nikon's F lens mount turns 50 years old this year. It brought SLR cameras
    into the mainstream, and all Nikon's DSLRs still use it, meaning you can
    (usually) use lenses that are 50 years old.

    Its longevity is nifty, as its 50-year history means you can take advantage
    of lenses crafted long before your DSLR. But as BoingBoing Gadgets reader
    Mat Halprin points out, Nikon yet to do anything wicked like release an
    anniversary DSLR that looks like the old school F-series camera pictured
    above, but stuffed with a D700 sensor, or something else that would tap
    that history while making us drool at the same time. We demand sexy
    history, dammit.

    In the meantime, how do you think Nikon should celebrate?

    Pozdrowienia, Waldek Godel,
    "Chcemy, by nasi klienci byli jeszcze bardziej zadowoleni" - Jacek Dziekan,
    rzecznik centrali ZUS.

  • 2. Data: 2009-03-24 23:55:15
    Temat: Re: 50 lat bagnetu F
    Od: "adam" <>

    Uzytkownik "Waldek Godel" napisal
    > Happy 50th Birthday, Nikon F Mount
    > By matt buchanan, 7:20 PM on Mon Mar 23 2009, 4,443 views
    > Nikon's F lens mount turns 50 years old this year. It brought SLR cameras
    > into the mainstream, and all Nikon's DSLRs still use it, meaning you can
    > (usually) use lenses that are 50 years old.
    > Its longevity is nifty, as its 50-year history means you can take
    > advantage
    > of lenses crafted long before your DSLR. But as BoingBoing Gadgets reader
    > Mat Halprin points out, Nikon yet to do anything wicked like release an
    > anniversary DSLR that looks like the old school F-series camera pictured
    > above, but stuffed with a D700 sensor, or something else that would tap
    > that history while making us drool at the same time. We demand sexy
    > history, dammit.
    > In the meantime, how do you think Nikon should celebrate?

    Beg for quick and painless death ; ))))


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