
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaZeiss zaczyna produkować micro 4/3
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2011-02-07 14:56:02
    Temat: Zeiss zaczyna produkować micro 4/3
    Od: Waldek Godel <>

    Another big name is jumping headfirst into the increasingly popular Micro
    Four Thirds waters with the announcement from Olympus today that Carl Zeiss
    has signed up as a member of the MFT System Standard Group. What that
    basically entails is that the folks responsible for some of the finest
    optics in the world will start making lenses directly compatible with
    Olympus and Panasonic's camera standard. You could, of course, have tracked
    down adapters to get Distagon glass working with your GF2 before, but it
    sure is nice to see the big boys producing hardware designed specifically
    for this relatively new category of camera. Full press release after the

    Pozdrowienia, Waldek Godel
    Co to jest tradycja? Tradycja co jest coś ekstra. Chodzi o to że jak my im
    wydamy Zakajewa to oni nam muszą oddać samolot. Właśnie na zasadzie tej
    tradycji.. to stara tradycja. Jeszcze od początku.. lotnictwa. Ekstradycja.

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