
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.telewizjastandard dzwieku w dvb-t w PLRe: standard dzwieku w dvb-t w PL
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    Subject: Re: standard dzwieku w dvb-t w PL
    Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 01:27:55 +0200
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    his guide attempts to provide an overview to receiving FTA digital TV
    transmissions in New Zealand. The New Zealand freeview FTA (free to
    air) service utilises two broadcast methods -

    DTH - Direct to Home satellite service via Optus D1
    DTT - Digital terrestrial television via UHF

    If you want to try out DTT under Linux yourself I suggest you take a
    look at the following guide on
    DTT Debugging under Linux

    DTH Technical Details

    The DTH service utilises two half transponders on the Optus D1
    satellite. Each half transponder is capable of providing upto 9
    services.Setting Transponder 1 Transponder 2
    Frequency 12456000 12483000
    Polarity Horizontal Horizontal
    Symbol Rate 22500000 22500000
    FEC 3/4 3/4
    Inversion Auto Auto
    Transmission Encoding DVB-S
    Transmission Stream MPEG-2 TS
    Video Encoding MPEG-2
    Audio Encoding MP2
    Video Resolutions 4:3 576i,
    16:9 576i

    DTT Technical Details

    The DTT services is transmitted via UHF, covering 75% of the New
    Zealand population. Initially 3 multiplexes will be in use capable of
    providing between 18 and 20 services.Multipex A Television New Zealand
    Multiplex B MediaWorks
    Multiplex C Kordia

    The current design allows for upto 2 additional multiplexes to be
    added at some point in the future.

    Unlike the DTH service they have decided to utilise H.264 AVC (MPEG-4)
    for the video encoding, and a combination of HE-AAC and AC-3 for the
    audio. There will be a mix of SD and HD services.Transmission Encoding
    Transmission Stream MPEG-2 TS
    Video Encoding H.264
    Audio Encoding HE-AAC, AC3
    Video Resolutions 4:3 576i,
    16:9 576i,

    czyli jednym slowem, tuner z Nowej Zelandii nie spelnia naszych
    wymagan, no chyba ze wiecej niz wymagaja w NZ.


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