
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.telewizjastandard dzwieku w dvb-t w PLRe: standard dzwieku w dvb-t w PL
  • Data: 2009-07-22 23:06:43
    Temat: Re: standard dzwieku w dvb-t w PL
    Od: szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 00:58:16 +0200, wrote:

    >jakies czas temu czytalem, ze w Norwegii (i chyba tez w Nowej
    >Zelandii) dzwiek maja w AAC. A co z tym fantem?

    New Zealand DTT network launched
    The New Zealand DTT network successfully launched on the 2nd April
    2008, on time and on budget, according to local reports.
    Three multiplexes, TVNZ, TVWorks and Kordia are in operation
    delivering a mixture of SD and HD free-to-air services, all coded in
    MPEG-4, H.264 AVC for vision and HE AAC MPEG-4 for audio.

    HE AAC MPEG-4 for audio
    TVNZ also uses DVB-SSU for remotely updating STB software as well as
    EBU-teletext and DVB-Subtitles
    MHEG-5 is used for the EPG, delivering a comprehensive 8-day schedule.
    HD DTTV STB's also seem to be selling at a very high rate and in some
    areas at a higher rate than SD only boxes according to reports.
    Now that the Freeview DTT alternative is available and working so
    well, Sky Pay TV Satellite subscriptions may well take a hit.
    Main source:
    Item added: 8th April 2008


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