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Subject: Re: python...
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]to jest jeszcze ciekawa mysl
Bill Venners: I've heard that one of the problems with Python is that it invites less
design. Because people can so easily write their programs quickly in Python, they
tend to just charge ahead without any planning. Do you think verbosity, such as the
verbosity of Java compared to Python, tends to make people want to plan more?
Guido van Rossum: Planning is good and bad. If you know where you're going, planning
is good. If you don't know what you'll encounter on the way, you should be more
open-minded and improvisational. I certainly see a place for planning, but if the
language forces you to plan everything, there may be trips you'll never undertake
because it would require too much thinking ahead. You're then inhibited by fears that
you don't know how to do something. In Python, you can start doing that something and
discover how to do it on the way. You can build something quickly, get it on the
road, obtain feedback, and then design the next one based on greater understanding of
the problem domain.
bardzo sluszne,,
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 08.01.15 18:29 M.M.
- 08.01.15 18:53 Wojciech Muła
- 08.01.15 19:12 M.M.
- 08.01.15 21:15 Andrzej Jarzabek
- 08.01.15 22:35 firr
- 09.01.15 00:31 firr
- 09.01.15 06:58 slawek
- 09.01.15 08:27 M.M.
- 09.01.15 08:35 firr
- 09.01.15 08:44 firr
- 09.01.15 10:17 Gof
- 09.01.15 12:25 M.M.
- 09.01.15 12:33 R.e.m.e.K
- 09.01.15 12:47 M.M.
- 09.01.15 12:56 g...@g...com
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