
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.internet.polipoperator poszukiwany krakow teren huty
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 3

  • 1. Data: 2008-01-24 20:05:30
    Temat: Re: operator poszukiwany krakow teren huty
    Od: SlawcioD <>

    expression, It is a pleasant thing for the eyes to behold the sun; which
    words then seemed to her to be very applicable to Jesus Christ. By these
    things her mind was led into such contemplations and views of Christ, as
    filled her exceeding full of joy. She told her brother, in the morning,
    that she had seen (i.e. in realizing views by faith) Christ the last
    night, and that she had really thought that she had not knowledge enough
    to be converted; but, says she, God can make it quite easy! On Monday
    she felt all day a constant sweetness in her soul. She had a repetition
    of the same discoveries of Christ three mornings together, and much in
    the same manner, at each time, waking a little before day; but brighter
    and brighter every day.

    At the last time, on Wednesday morning, while in the enjoyment of a
    spiritual view of Christ's glory and fullness, her soul was filled with
    distress for Christless persons, to consider what a miserable condition
    they were in. She felt a strong inclination immediately to go forth to
    warn sinners; and proposed it the next day to her brother to assist her
    in going from house to house; but her brother restrained her, by telling
    her of the unsuitableness of such a method. She told one of her sisters
    that day, that she loved all mankind, but especially the people of God.
    Her sister asked her why she loved all mankind. She replied, Because God
    has made them. After this, there happened to come into the shop where
    she was at work, three persons who were thought to have been lately
    converted: her seeing of them, as they stepped in one after another, so
    affected her, and so drew forth her love to them, that it overcame her,
    and she almost fainted. When they began to talk of the things of
    religion, it was more than she could bear; they wer

  • 2. Data: 2008-01-24 20:19:59
    Temat: operator poszukiwany krakow teren huty
    Od: SlawcioD <>


    mam problem ze znalezieniem operatora (dzialajacy na terenie huty mam
    wrazenie ma mnie w d...). potrzebuje min (up/down) 1024/256 moze byc
    512/512. potrzebuje to do voipa, widok mam z 6 pietra na wschod i polnoc.

    oferty i pytania prosze slac na admin_wytnij_to!


  • 3. Data: 2008-01-24 20:58:56
    Temat: Re: operator poszukiwany krakow teren huty
    Od: Maciej Bebenek <>

    SlawcioD pisze:
    > Witam!
    > mam problem ze znalezieniem operatora (dzialajacy na terenie huty mam
    > wrazenie ma mnie w d...). potrzebuje min (up/down) 1024/256 moze byc
    > 512/512. potrzebuje to do voipa, widok mam z 6 pietra na wschod i polnoc.

    Wimax w Netii?,dla_biznesu,9.html


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