Data: 2013-12-06 13:15:18
Temat: Re: minmax(a,b,c)
Od: firr <p...@g...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]W dniu piątek, 6 grudnia 2013 13:07:24 UTC+1 użytkownik firr napisał:
> >
> > - dlalej kazy trojkat jest transformowany do
> >
> > pozycji kamery rzutowany i clipowany, to zajmuje ze 30% ( z tego klipowania jakos
chyba wyjatkowo nie jestem zadowolony ale na razie nie mam pomyslu)
> >
> >
> hehe akurat wymyslilem cos (zapisalem wczesniej
> po angielsku na inne forum)
> well after some thinking i invented something:
> precomputing the visiblity, it goes such way:
> from the given point of view (there are sphere of them) some triangles of the model
(say 30%) are visible other (70%) are not - Divide this sphere on say 64 patches and
precompute for every triangle if it is seen from this 'patch'
> (it would be heavy to precompute, for example cost of rendering a couple of frames
from couple of places on the patches, the testet traingle the last to check if it
pass the depth buffer -
> so this is cost of 64patches x 5 places x noOfTriangles so for example for this
model 320x300 000 = 90 MFrames this is a lot of precomputing :C but can be done i
> then set the corresponding bit in some 64 word of flags 1 means form this patchg of
visibility this triangle is seen - that should be very simple to use and top eficient
clipping method :U - though this precomputation time scares me but this can be
(for example it is easy to sign the triangles that goes out for sure, it is harder to
make sure the one that previously passed will is totaly overvritten so it is also
goes out, bout
probably by rendering in changed direction and suming the onet that goes out will
give the sum of the set that is invisible)
I will try to implement it and check how it is working after some resting i should
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