
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikainjecting current on USB deviceRe: injecting current on USB device
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    From: "J.F." <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
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    Subject: Re: injecting current on USB device
    Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 14:11:44 +0100
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Użytkownik "PiteR" napisał w wiadomości grup
    >obce zasilanie prądożernych urządzeń usb to jest temat oklepany.
    >A co jeśli zrobię na odwrót? Przerwę pod prądem linię +5v, linie
    >D+ D- zostwię a w stronę hosta podam +5v żeby go ładować. Czy host
    >wysunie urządzenie i zacznie się ładować?
    >Jaka jest szansa na uwalenie portu?

    Zauwaz ze mowisz o chyba o OTG i hoscie dwojakim - moze byc tez slave.

    Rozpoznajac podlaczone urzadzenie typu slave, host powinien wystawic
    mu 5V na linie zasilajace.
    I to raczej z jakiejs przetwornicy, bo wszak bateria pokladowa ma

    Uwalenia raczej nie powinno byc, tu ok 5V, tam ok 5V ... ale ladowania
    tez nie powinno byc.
    - Attach Detection Protocol (ADP) allows an OTG device, embedded host
    or USB device to determine attachment status in the absence of power
    on the USB bus, enabling both insertion-based behavior and the
    capability to display attachment status. It does so by periodically
    measuring the capacitance on the USB port to determine whether there
    is another device attached, a dangling cable, or no cable. When a
    large enough change in capacitance is detected to indicate device
    attachment, an A-device will provide power to the USB bus and look for
    device connection. At the same time, a B-device will generate SRP and
    wait for the USB bus to become powered.

    - Session Request Protocol (SRP) allows both communicating devices to
    control when the link's power session is active; in standard USB, only
    the host is capable of doing so. That allows fine control over the
    power consumption, which is very important for battery-operated
    devices such as cameras and mobile phones. The OTG or embedded host
    can leave the USB link unpowered until the peripheral (which can be an
    OTG or standard USB device) requires power. OTG and embedded hosts
    typically have little battery power to spare, so leaving the USB link
    unpowered helps in extending the battery runtime.

    Ale takiej wersji, zeby host rozpoznal ze jest zasilanie z zewnatrz,
    olal żądanie slave aby mu zasilanie podać, to nie widze :-)

    Jakis sprytny kabel/hub ?


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