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From: A.L. <l...@a...com>
Newsgroups: pl.comp.programming
Subject: Re: W NYC ucza przedszkolakow C++
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Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 14:58:13 -0500
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:29:26 +0100, Bronek Kozicki <b...@s...net>
>On 09/07/2012 15:47, Roman W wrote:
>> A ciezko w to uwierzyc:
>> http://www.npr.org/2012/04/01/149804404/n-y-preschoo
>> ""Over here, we have computer labs, C++ learning, which of course, as I'm sure you
know, is a language of computers," she says. Wait, computer language? These
preschoolers are learning C++?
>mnie się bardziej rzucił w oczy ten fragment, jakby z filmu Gattaca
>"So in a bid to weed out the kids who have no chance, the school decided
>to require a DNA test for all applicants. "
he, he...
[VDARE.com note, added April 3--this, is of course, an April Fool's
joke. (Porsafillo Pre is an anagram of April Fools.) Steve Sailer
knows that, and so do the editors of VDARE.com, but we're afraid that
future readers might stumble over this and believe it. NPR seems
unconcerned about this, though. Check out their other April Fools
stories here. ]
From National Public Radio:
N.Y. Preschool Starts DNA Testing For Admission
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