Data: 2010-02-16 00:56:44
Temat: Re: Szum w glosnikach Creative Inspire T6200
Od: "Q" <n...@s...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]> Tak swoją drogą, co oczywiście nie rozwiąże Twojego problemu
> (nie znam tych głośników, więc nie wiem, czy faktycznie jest
> to ich wada, czy też winne jest coś innego), właśnie z powodu
> szumów zaleca się, by to sygnał wejściowy był jak najsilniej-
> szy, a same głośniki ustawiane raczej w zakresie od zera do
> 1/3 skali (chyba, że potrzebna jest akurat pełna moc - na
i tak i nie :),
tzn. wszystko ok, ale nie zaleca sie dawac 100% glosnosci na karcie;
ze strony creativa:
To reduce static or buzzing noise from speakers, avoid placing speaker
cables next to computer monitors, TV, an AC adapter, or any chargers for MP3
players or cell phones, etc. These devices have a strong magnetic field,
which may interfere with speakers.
If you are getting audible levels of background hum and hiss through the
speakers, you can install a Ground Loop Isolator, available at various
electronics stores, for example, Radio Shack. The Radio Shack Product
Support page has specifications of Ground Loop Isolator (270-0054). For more
information about ground loop, please follow this link:
If your speaker system is connected to a computer, open the sound card mixer
or volume control. There are several inputs that can create noise in the
speakers. Mute Microphone-In, Line-In, TAD, Aux_in if applicable, and et the
remaining input controls to about 70% of their maximum volume.
Similarly if your speaker system is connected to a computer, check that you
don't have the sound turned up to maximum in the software mixer. This can
occasionally cause distortion of the sound. It's better to leave this at 75%
or so and use the speaker system volume control (remote or fixed) as your
master volume control.
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