
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyŚwiatowe Forum Ekonomiczne wzywa do zakończenia "marnotrawstwa" prywatnych samochodówRe: Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne wzywa do zakończenia "marnotrawstwa" prywatnych samochodów
  • Data: 2022-08-03 21:51:35
    Temat: Re: Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne wzywa do zakończenia "marnotrawstwa" prywatnych samochodów
    Od: Mateusz Bogusz <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On 03.08.2022 10:52, J.F wrote:
    > Ale to zalecenia, przewidywania, kryzys?

    To są "AMBITIOUS TARGETS IN 2030".

    "Cutting consumption-based emissions will deliver wider benefits for a
    city and its residents."

    "Using existing buildings more efficiently and
    avoiding new construction would save London,
    for example, more than $11 billion over the next
    five years."

    "Eating less red meat and more vegetables and
    fruits could prevent annually 160,000 deaths
    associated with diseases such as cancer, heart
    disease, diabetes and stroke in C40 cities."

    "By reducing vehicle ownership, 170 million m
    2 of on-street parking could be released back to
    the public realm in C40 cities, providing enough
    space for 2.5 million trees and 25,000 km of
    cycle lanes."

    "By buying fewer new clothes and textiles,
    residents in all C40 cities could collectively save
    $93 billion in one year."

    "Reducing flights and adopting sustainable
    aviation fuels could collectively avoid $70
    million in damages from air pollution that would
    impact human health, buildings, infrastructure
    and agricultural production."

    Mateusz Bogusz

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