
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.sci.inzynieriaRyby i kawitacjaRe: Ryby i kawitacja
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    From: Marcin Debowski <>
    Subject: Re: Ryby i kawitacja
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    On 2024-04-29, Robert Tomasik <> wrote:
    > Wątpię, by ktoś ryby badał.

    Człowieku małej wiary, zarzuć Google fish cavitation a wychodzą tego stada.
    Pierwsze z brzegu:

    Physical limits on swimming speed of lunate tail propelled aquatic
    animals are proposed. A hydrodynamic analysis, applying experimental
    data wherever possible, is used to show that small swimmers (roughly
    less than a metre long) are limited by the available power, while larger
    swimmers at a few metres below the water surface are limited by
    cavitation. Depending on the caudal fin cross-section, 10-15 m s-1 is
    shown to be the maximum cavitation-free velocity for all swimmers at a
    shallow depth.

    Modele, równania, co dusza zapragnie.

    W angielskojęzycznej Wikipedii jest nawet paragraf:

    Marine life
    Just as cavitation bubbles form on a fast-spinning boat propeller, they
    may also form on the tails and fins of aquatic animals. This primarily
    occurs near the surface of the ocean, where the ambient water pressure
    is low.
    Cavitation may limit the maximum swimming speed of powerful swimming
    animals like dolphins and tuna.[55] Dolphins may have to restrict their
    speed because collapsing cavitation bubbles on their tail are painful.
    Tuna have bony fins without nerve endings and do not feel pain from
    cavitation. They are slowed down when cavitation bubbles create a vapor
    film around their fins. Lesions have been found on tuna that are
    consistent with cavitation damage.[56]
    Some sea animals have found ways to use cavitation to their advantage
    when hunting prey. The pistol shrimp snaps a specialized claw to create
    cavitation, which can kill small fish. The mantis shrimp (of the smasher
    variety) uses cavitation as well in order to stun, smash open, or kill
    the shellfish that it feasts upon.[57]
    Thresher sharks use 'tail slaps' to debilitate their small fish prey and
    cavitation bubbles have been seen rising from the apex of the tail


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