
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingProgramy samo-modyfikujące sięRe: Programy samo-modyfikujące się
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    From: A.L. <>
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    Subject: Re: Programy samo-modyfikujące się
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    Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 19:20:05 -0500
    Xref: pl.comp.programming:183076
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On Fri, 7 Aug 2009 23:35:58 +0000 (UTC), "Mariusz Marszałkowski"
    <> wrote:

    >Chciałem zapytać jaki jest dzisiejszy stan wiedzy na temat programów
    >samo-modyfikujących się. Chodzi mi o coś "więcej" niż trywialne
    >doklejenie wirusa, albo przekopiowanie jednej procedury w miejsce

    What is partial evaluation?

    Partial evaluation creates a specialized version of a general program.
    The specialized program may be much faster than the general one.
    Let p be a program which takes two inputs d1 and d2. Ordinarily, the
    application of p to (d1,d2) would be evaluated in one step:

    Evaluate p with input (d1, d2), to produce the result res.

    However, alternatively it may be evaluated in two steps:
    (1) Partially evaluate p with input d1, to produce a new
    program r.
    (2) Evaluate r with input d2, to produce the result res.

    The program r is a specialized version of p (for the particular value
    d1 of the first input), and is called a residual program. The process
    of producing r (in step 1) is called partial evaluation, or program
    specialization. The benefit of partial evaluation is speed of
    execution: the specialized program r is often much faster than the
    general program p.

    Ksiaka jes tdo sciagniecia ze strony autora

    How to obtain a copy of the book
    Download the full text in Postscript (2.3 MB) or in PDF (US letter)
    (1.7 MB) or PDF (A4) (1.7 MB).


    P.S. Tamze, jednego z autorow powyzszej, doskonala ksiazka o
    zlozonosci obliczeniowej

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