
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefonia.gsmProducent wie lepiej co wolno używaćRe: Producent wie lepiej co wolno używać
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    From: ToMasz <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.telefonia.gsm
    Subject: Re: Producent wie lepiej co wolno używać
    Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 18:02:30 +0200
    Organization: INTERIA.PL S.A.
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Waldek Godel pisze:
    > Google Voice iPhone app rejected, current GV apps lose connection with
    > iTunes
    > by Ross Miller, posted Jul 28th 2009 at 12:01AM
    > Perhaps the big G spoke too soon when it said its new Google Voice service
    > was coming to iPhone. First, GV Mobile developer Sean Kovacs relays a phone
    > call he had with Apple where he was notified of his app being removed from
    > the iTunes store for duplicating built-in iPhone features -- an app that
    > was originally and purportedly approved by Phil Schiller himself. Next out
    > the door was GVdialer, and if you thought that was all bad, now comes word
    > that Google's official Voice app was flat-out rejected by Cupertino. Now
    > it's hard to say with certainty who's to blame for these app rejections,
    > but a good many fingers are pointing to the cellular carriers -- and given
    > AT&T's previous statements about the SlingPlayer app, it's hard to argue
    > with that. For its part, the company hinted at finding a workaround via web
    > apps, much like they did when Apple gave Latitude a cold shoulder -- but
    > doesn't that feel just a little 2007?
    mógłbyś po polsku napisać o co chodzi?

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