
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyProducenci europejscyRe: Producenci europejscy
  • Data: 2017-08-11 21:14:41
    Temat: Re: Producenci europejscy
    Od: "J.F." <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Użytkownik "LEPEK" napisał w wiadomości grup
    W dniu 11.08.2017 o 15:07, J.F. pisze:
    >> VW i Audi to jedna firma. Zwiazki z Porsche sa bardziej
    >> skomplikowane, ale to jedna rodzina :-)

    >Aukcjonariat VAG (Volkswagen AG):
    > 50,74% - Porsche Automobil Holding SE
    > 2,37% - Porsche GmbH
    > 20,01% - władze Dolnej Saksonii
    > 17,00% - Qatar Holding
    > 9,87% - pozostali udziałowcy

    >Więc to raczej Porsche ma VAG, niż VAG Porsche (choć jedna ze spółek
    >"niżej" to też Porsche).

    Ale to bylo tak
    In December 2009, Volkswagen AG bought a 49.9% stake in Dr. Ing. h.c.
    F. Porsche AG (more commonly known as Porsche AG) in a first step
    towards an 'integrated automotive group' with Porsche.[30][31][32] The
    merger of Volkswagen AG and Porsche SE was scheduled to take place
    during the course of 2011. On 8 September 2011, it was announced that
    the planned merger "cannot be implemented within the time frame
    provided for in the Comprehensive Agreement." As reasons,
    unquantifiable legal risks, including a criminal probe into the
    holding's former management team were given. Both parties "remain
    committed to the goal of creating an integrated automotive group with
    Porsche and are convinced that this will take place."[33][34] On 4
    July 2012 Volkswagen group announced they would wrap up the remaining
    half of Porsche shares for 4.46 billion euros ($5.58 billion) on 1
    August 2012 to avoid taxes of as much as 1.5 billion euros, which
    would have to be paid if the wrap up happened after 31 July 2014.[35]
    Volkswagen AG purchased the remaining stake in Porsche AG equaling
    100% of the shares in Porsche Zwischenholding GmbH, effectively
    becoming its
    parent company as of 1 August 2012.[36]

    Wiec Porsche ma VAG, a VAG ma Porsche :-)

    A wszystko przez to, ze niejaki Piech zostal prezesem VAG, bedac
    wnukiem Porschego, i majac w rodzinnej firmie udzialy :-)


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