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From: "Nex@pl" <"nex[wytnij_to]"@o2.pl>
Newsgroups: pl.misc.telefonia.gsm
Subject: Re: Posiadacze iPoo korzystają
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 14:21:12 +0200
Organization: TP - http://www.tp.pl/
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Waldek Godel pisze:
> http://www.iphonebuzz.com/what-11000-insane-iphone-b
> What?! $11,000 insane iPhone bill!
> Posted on 26 June 2009 by Budi Putra
> Tags: AT&T, operator billing, roaming charges
> Beware. If you brought your iPhone when travelling out of the country,
> please consider the roaming fees. Let's learn about Mythbusters co-host
> Adam Savage case. He was surfing the Internet while on a trip to Canada for
> a few hours, AT&T charged him for some $11,000! They shut down his service
> until they get paid.
> Adam Savage (@donttrythis), who has more than 57,000 followers on Twitter,
> tweeted:
> Text messaging fees are stupid robbery? (they are), AT&T is attempting to
> charge me 11k for a few hours of web surfing in Canada. Pls RT!
> And then, his next tweet:
> Did I mention they've turned off my phone until I pay? #attsucks
Iphone górą ;)
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