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Subject: Re: Opony asymetryczne... lewa i prawa?
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 1:42:57 PM UTC+2, J.F. wrote:
> A tymi skosnymi rowkami to sie producenci jakos nie przejmuja.
> Widac nie ma znaczenia ... albo klient i tak nie zauwazy.
bo w sumie sami nie wiedza jak jest lepiej ;)
kiedys na forum moto szukalismy jak montowac opone, bo miala kilka strzalek
pokazujacych kierunek obrotu, tylko jedne w jedna inne w druga ;)
Wytlumaczenie znalazlo sie na angielskiej strone (link juz nie dziala), ale zostala
jego zawartosc na forum (sorry za ang., ale na polskiej stronie nie bylo o tym
"ContiRoad Attack Direction?
The orientation of the ContiRoad Attack front has recently been revised. Conti
Germany responded to feed-back from the UK and other markets about maximising the
already incredible durability of the original front tread pattern. After the launch
of the ContiSport Attack test riders commented on the fact that the reversed tread
direction gave much more uniform wear across the tyres section and so the ContiRoad
Attack front pattern was switched in late October 2006 to take advantage of this
better wear characteristic. Some confusion exists because some European plants
outside of Germany have a tread mould with small arrows at the edge of the tread near
the sidewall, these arrows should be ignored. These moulds are being replaced.
ContiRoad attack customers may be offered the same tyre with apparently two different
directions of rotation. The tread pattern on both tyres is fine. Riders should be
aware that all relevant and legally required information regarding speed rating and
direction of rotation is moulded into the side-wall of the tyre, not the tread, so be
sure your tyre is fitted in accordance with the directional arrow on the sidewall
regardless of which way the pattern runs."
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 05.08.19 16:40 J.F.
- 06.08.19 00:40 LordBluzg(R)
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