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From: Marcin Debowski <a...@I...zoho.com>
Subject: Re: Most Hernando de Soto
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Tu jest ciekawe:
The discovery of the crack came just a couple of months after the
American Society of Civil Engineers, the country's leading engineering
professional group, gave the United States a miserable C-minus on its
quadrennial infrastructure report card. The group found that more than 40
percent of the nation's roadways were in poor or mediocre condition, with
some of them facing increased risk of catastrophic failure, a figure
essentially unchanged from the previous report four years earlier.
Bridges were particularly high on the group's list of concerns. Close to
half of the country's 617,000 bridges are more than 50 years old,
according to the report card, and more than 46,000 are structurally
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 23.06.21 13:26 J.F
- 23.06.21 13:59 WM
- 24.06.21 01:45 Marcin Debowski
- 24.06.21 11:54 J.F
- 25.06.21 01:01 Marcin Debowski
- 25.06.21 13:46 J.F
- 25.06.21 16:37 alojzy nieborak
- 25.06.21 17:01 J.F
- 25.06.21 23:32 Marcin Debowski
- 25.06.21 23:34 Marcin Debowski
- 26.06.21 10:46 WM
- 11.07.21 17:05 Marek
- 12.07.21 11:06 J.F.
- 13.07.21 18:30 Marek
- 15.07.21 13:08 J.F.
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- Filtr do pompy ruskiej
- Wyważanie kół rowerowych
- Belka
- Precyzyjne cięcie opony samochodowej
- Nieparzyste dmuchanie
- Klej "samopoziomujący"
- Kocioł CO po raz kolejny
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