
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.sci.inzynieriaMost Hernando de SotoRe: Most Hernando de Soto
  • Data: 2021-06-23 13:26:16
    Temat: Re: Most Hernando de Soto
    Od: "J.F" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:19:39 GMT, Marcin Debowski wrote:
    > Tu jest ciekawe:
    > The discovery of the crack came just a couple of months after the
    > American Society of Civil Engineers, the country's leading engineering
    > professional group, gave the United States a miserable C-minus on its
    > quadrennial infrastructure report card. The group found that more than 40
    > percent of the nation's roadways were in poor or mediocre condition, with
    > some of them facing increased risk of catastrophic failure, a figure
    > essentially unchanged from the previous report four years earlier.
    > Bridges were particularly high on the group's list of concerns. Close to
    > half of the country's 617,000 bridges are more than 50 years old,
    > according to the report card, and more than 46,000 are structurally
    > deficient.

    Cos w tym jest, tylko co - władza zleca coroczna inspekcje komus z
    ASCE, i on pisze raport, ze jest dobrze :-)


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