
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefoniaModem US Robotics i brak caller id, prosze o pomoc.Re: Modem US Robotics i brak Caller ID, prosze o pomoc.
  • Data: 2010-07-03 11:36:02
    Temat: Re: Modem US Robotics i brak Caller ID, prosze o pomoc.
    Od: ąćęłńóśźż <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Mogłem się pomylić z pamięci, to zdaje się końcówka -01 ma być lub literka -B na

    W każdym bądź razie 00 nie ma CID.



    Thank you for contacting U.S.Robotics. Your satisfaction is of the utmost importance
    to us.
    This modem does not support caller-id.
    Should you require further assistance from us, please feel free to send us another
    message or contact us on the following UK number
    +44870 8444546.
    US Robotics Technical Support

    -----Original Message-----
    Subject:Caller ID
    I own the USRobotics Sportster MessagePlus external modem # 99206800 working with PIC
    SuperVoice 2.2 software."


    Unfortunately the modem isn't compatible with the control center as it predates the
    software by a t least 3 years.

    -----Original Message-----
    Subject:Re: Case ID:354382
    USRobotics Control Center does not recognise modem at all, while USRobotics Modem
    Station works correctly.
    Question: Can't Sportster MessagePlus be recognised by USR Control Center?"


    That modem does support Caller ID.
    Select Start, Run, then type 'hypertrm' and press OK.
    Within new connection prompt, type 'test', press OK, Area Code = 123, Phone Number =
    123, then ensure modem is selected and press OK
    then Cancel.
    In the HyperTerminal screen, the required commands are as follows:

    AT enter
    ATE1 enter
    AT#CID=? Enter {Response - 0,1,2 - Modem Supports Caller id}
    AT#CID=1 enter {To enable Caller id}
    AT&W enter

    Secondly, you have to subscribe it from your local telecom and then enable it from
    the software that you are using.
    If you don't have software that supports caller id, you can download a free version
    2.19 of Phonetools from
    and enable the caller ID with that program.
    Should you require further assistance from us, please feel free to send us another
    message or contact us on the following UK number
    +44870 8444546.

    -----Original Message-----
    Does your reply mean that U.S. Robotics 56K Message Modem model ..-...5668-01 is
    equal to model ...-...5668B offering Caller ID
    support ?"

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