
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaLi-Fi zamiast Wi-Fi?Re: Li-Fi zamiast Wi-Fi?
  • Path:!!!!not-for-mail
    From: Waldemar <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
    Subject: Re: Li-Fi zamiast Wi-Fi?
    Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 17:03:32 +0200
    Organization: Freie Universitaet Berlin
    Lines: 37
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    References: <mvhccg$hes$>
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    Xref: pl.misc.elektronika:687171
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Am 13.10.2015 um 15:37 schrieb Pszemol:
    > "J.F." <> wrote in message
    > news:561d021d$0$27528$
    >> Użytkownik "Pszemol" napisał w wiadomości grup
    >> dyskusyjnych:mvir3m$inr$
    >> "P03" <> wrote in message
    >> news:mvijg6$nug$

    >>> Na wideo prezentują pomysł jak by był łatwy do zainstalowania
    >>> w typowych "żarówkach" LED do oświetlania pomieszczeń,
    >>> a nie cuda na laserach i soczewkowaniu - poza tym, to ma
    >> Czyli chyba zasilaniem.
    > Ciekawe jaką modulację wybiorą...

    [z wiki]

    The standard defines three PHY layers with different rates:
    The PHY I was established for outdoor application and works from 11.67
    kbit/s to 267.6 kbit/s.
    The PHY II layer permits reaching data rates from 1.25 Mbit/s to 96 Mbit/s.
    The PHY III is used for many emissions sources with a particular
    modulation method called color shift keying (CSK).
    PHY III can deliver rates from 12 Mbit/s to 96 Mbit/s.[31]

    The modulation formats recognized for PHY I and PHY II are on-off keying
    (OOK) and variable pulse position modulation (VPPM).
    The Manchester coding used for the PHY I and PHY II layers includes the
    clock inside the transmitted data by representing a
    logic 0 with an OOK symbol "01" and a logic 1 with an OOK symbol "10",
    all with a DC component. The DC component avoids light
    extinction in case of an extended run of logic 0's


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