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From: lolka <l...@g...com>
Newsgroups: pl.misc.telefonia.gsm
Subject: Re: Karta AT&T vs. Vodafone w czytniku Kindle
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 06:05:18 -0700 (PDT)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On 15 Kwi, 14:38, Waldek Godel <n...@o...info> wrote:
> Dnia Fri, 15 Apr 2011 05:09:03 -0700 (PDT), lolka napisa (a):
> >> tam ju s op aty za dost p, poczytaj dok adnie o limitach w smallprintach.
> > Osoby uzywajace Kindle twierdza, ze nic nie placa za dostep.
> Bosz.. czy j zyk polski jest a tak niezrozumia y, eby nie widzie r nicy
> pomi dzy "przeczytaj dok adnie o limtach w smallprintach" a "osoby
> twierdz "????
> Czy dla ciebie powy sze dwa stwierdzenia s to same?
> Z regulaminu Kindle:
> "Use of Wireless Connectivity. Your Kindle uses wireless connectivity to
> allow you to shop for and download Digital Content from the Kindle Store.
> In general, we do not charge you for this use of wireless connectivity.
> Your Kindle may use wireless connectivity to make other services available
> to you for which we may charge you a fee, such as personal file download
> and subscriptions when you are located in another country. The fees and
> terms for such services are located in the Kindle Store and may change from
> time to time. If your Kindle functions with third party services, such as
> WI-FI access points, a third party may charge you fees for the use of those
> services."
> Czyli tyko ci ganie z Kindle Store jest zagwarantowane jako bezp atne,
> cho nie do ko ca
> "Your Conduct. You agree you will use the wireless connectivity provided by
> Amazon only in connection with Services Amazon provides for the Device. You
> may not use the wireless connectivity for any other purpose."
> czyli u ywanie 3G do przegl dania internetu jest w zasadzie naruszeniem
> licencji.
> Przy czym ceny s w zasadzie znane, bo s opisane przy okazji adowania
> w asnych dokument w (= nie zakupionych od Amazona) przez PersonalDocument
> Service:
> "Fees for Personal Document Service
> Fees for transfer of personal documents to the Kindle via 3G are based on
> the size of the file submitted (before compression if you use a .ZIP file),
> your country, and where you're accessing 3G. Fees will only be charged for
> documents that are successfully received wirelessly on your Kindle.
> (Personal Document Service is not available wirelessly in Canada. Please
> see Sending Personal Documents to Kindle for information about e-mailing
> personal documents to your computer for USB transfer to your Kindle.)
> Kindle (Free 3G + Wi-Fi) user living in the United States: If you transfer
> personal documents to your Kindle via Wi-Fi there is no delivery fee. If
> you transfer personal documents to your Kindle via 3G while inside the
> United States, the fee is $ .15 per megabyte. When traveling outside the
> United States, a fee of $.99 per megabyte will apply.
> Kindle user living outside the United States: We'll send personal documents
> to your Kindle via 3G for a fee of $ .99 (USD) per megabyte anywhere in the
> world you access 3G service.
> Fees are rounded up to the next whole MB and apply to each personal
> document delivered via 3G to each Kindle. You can transfer personal
> documents to your Kindle via USB for free at any time."
> czyli dolara za megabajt.
> > Nie korzystam z internetu w telefonie i nie bede (z roznych przyczyn).
> "na z o mamie odmro sobie uszy"
> > Dla moich potrzeb jest to wystarczajace.
> wywalaj cy si co chwil browser i kulawa poczta? Serio?
Napisales duzo, agresywnie i kompletnie nie na temat. Tu tak zawsze
1) Napisalam w pierwszym poscie wlasnie o tym, ze darmowe 3G nie jest
oficjalna funkcja, wiec to chyba nie ja mam klopoty z czytaniem.
2) Wyobraz sobie, ze mozna korzystac z telefonu sluzbowego, albo
takiego, ktory nie ma internetu, albo po prostu go w telefonie nie
3) O tym jakie mam potrzeby netu w czytniku to chyba ja wiem nieco
lepiej niz Ty.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 15.04.11 13:07 lolka
- 15.04.11 13:09 Waldek Godel
- 15.04.11 13:23 Olgierd
- 15.04.11 13:26 lolka
- 15.04.11 13:30 lolka
- 15.04.11 13:43 Michal Jankowski
- 15.04.11 13:56 lolka
- 15.04.11 14:14 Olgierd
- 15.04.11 14:30 Maciej Bebenek (news.onet.pl)
- 15.04.11 14:40 Waldek Godel
- 15.04.11 17:47 ALEX
- 15.04.11 17:54 Michal Jankowski
- 17.04.11 09:33 tl
- 17.04.11 16:27 TGor
- 17.04.11 20:40 tl
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