
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.pecetJest jakis sposob na limit pamieci do 3.2GB?Re: Jest jakis sposob na limit pamieci do 3.2GB?
  • Data: 2011-03-29 12:32:10
    Temat: Re: Jest jakis sposob na limit pamieci do 3.2GB?
    Od: "Q" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    > co jest o tyle do d..., ze 3 x 1GB pracuje w trybie Assymetrc PC-5300 :/
    > Jak rozumiem wolniej niz Dual-Channel 2x1GB :/

    czasami wolniej, czasami szybciej (!),
    ale sa to _porownywalne_ predkosci a nie "dual = 2 x szybciej";

    stary artykul (2007), ale warto wiedziec:

    "As expected, the performance difference between single channel and dual
    channel DDR2-800 memory using an up-to-date Core 2 Duo system Compare Prices
    on Core 2 Duo Processors is little to nil, depending on the benchmark - most
    tests show differences, but they are really small. For games and enthusiast
    PCs, we recommend sticking to high-performance dual channel RAM, because the
    memory is one of those components that you want to perform best for a smooth
    experience. For regular applications, though, it doesn't really matter much
    whether you run single or dual channel. Two 1 GB DIMMs typically are cheaper
    than a single 2 GB module, but a single DIMM will reduce your power
    consumption by several watts (which might just be more interesting than it
    is important)."

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