
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingCUDA - przyszłość rozwoju procesorów i zmiany w technikach programowania ?Re: CUDA - przyszło?ć rozwoju procesorów i zmiany w technikach programowania ?
  • Data: 2009-03-30 12:40:09
    Temat: Re: CUDA - przyszło?ć rozwoju procesorów i zmiany w technikach programowania ?
    Od: "RedArt" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Użytkownik "A.L." <> napisał w wiadomości

    > Przepraszam,. ale to jest nonsens. Proponuje jakeis inen miejsce na te
    > rewelacjie
    He became known in the 1990s for his research on the use of genetic
    algorithms to evolve neural networks using three dimensional cellular
    automata inside field programmable gate arrays. He claimed that this
    approach would enable the creation of what he terms "artificial brains"
    which would quickly surpass human levels of intelligence.
    Though it was initially envisaged that these cellular automata would run on
    special computers, such as MIT's "Cellular Automata Machine-8" (CAM-8), by
    1996 it was realised that the model originally proposed, which required
    cellular automata with thousands of states, was too complex to be realised
    in hardware. The design was considerably simplified, and in 1997 the
    "collect and distribute 1 bit" ("CoDi-1Bit") model was published, and work
    began on a hardware implementation using Xilinx XC6264 FPGAs. This was to be
    known as the "CAM Brain Machine" (CBM).
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