
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.internet.polipBlokada portu 25 w TP (neostrady)Re: Blokada portu 25 w TP (neostrady)
  • Data: 2009-08-09 10:42:38
    Temat: Re: Blokada portu 25 w TP (neostrady)
    Od: Robert Rędziak <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On Sun, 9 Aug 2009 12:12:32 +0200, RoMan Mandziejewicz
    <> wrote:

    > Musi adresowane od lub do użytkownika tego serwera. Nie musi obcych.

    A kto Cię tak okłamał?


    4.3. Require Authentication

    The MSA MUST by default issue an error response to the MAIL command
    if the session has not been authenticated using [SMTP-AUTH], unless
    it has already independently established authentication or
    authorization (such as being within a protected subnetwork).

    Section 3.3 discusses authentication mechanisms.



    3.3. Authorized Submission

    Numerous methods have been used to ensure that only authorized users
    are able to submit messages. These methods include authenticated
    SMTP, IP address restrictions, secure IP and other tunnels, and prior
    POP authentication.

    Authenticated SMTP [SMTP-AUTH] has seen widespread deployment. It
    allows the MSA to determine an authorization identity for the message
    submission, one that is not tied to other protocols.

    IP address restrictions are very widely implemented, but do not allow
    for travelers and similar situations, and can be easily spoofed
    unless all transport paths between the MUA and MSA are trustworthy.

    Gellens & Klensin Standards Track [Page 6]

    RFC 4409 Message Submission for Mail April 2006

    Secure IP [IPSEC], and other encrypted and authenticated tunneling
    techniques, can also be used and provide additional benefits of
    protection against eavesdropping and traffic analysis.

    Requiring a POP [POP3] authentication (from the same IP address)
    within some amount of time (e.g., 20 minutes) prior to the start of a
    message submission session has also been used, but this does impose
    restrictions on clients as well as servers, which may cause
    difficulties. Specifically, the client must do a POP authentication
    before an SMTP submission session, and not all clients are capable
    and configured for this. Also, the MSA must coordinate with the POP
    server, which may be difficult. There is also a window during which
    an unauthorized user can submit messages and appear to be a
    previously authorized user. Since it is dependent on the MUA's IP
    addresses, this technique is substantially as subject to IP address
    spoofing as validation based on known IP addresses alone (see above).


    > Problemem nie jest nadawanie na porcie 25 ale pootwierane serwery,
    > niepilnujące co i od kogo odbierają. I zmiana portów nic tu nie
    > zmieni.

    A jak mają pilnować co i od kogo odbierają [1], skoro głównym
    założeniem MTA jest przyjmowanie poczty do lokalnych


    [1] -- tak, są mechanizmy filtrowania. Tak, nie zawsze są
    skuteczne i zużywaja zasoby odbiorcy.
    robert rędziak mailto:giekao-at-gmail-dot-com

    I hope they don't fart at Greenpeace. That's bad for Gaia.

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