
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaBiały LEDRe: Biały LED
  • Data: 2023-05-15 17:43:03
    Temat: Re: Biały LED
    Od: Cezar <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On 15/05/2023 15:52, J.F wrote:
    > On Mon, 15 May 2023 08:56:39 +0100, Cezar wrote:
    >> On 15/05/2023 08:45, Robert Wańkowski wrote:
    >>> Są białe diody LED, ale bez luminoforu?
    >> RGB?
    > A tak swoją drogą - czy z faktu, ze RGB nie są stosowane, nalezy
    > wnioskować, że luminofor ma większą sprawnosć?
    > Tzn sa stosowane, ale tam, gdzie sie od razu daje zmianę kolorów.
    > J.


    White LEDs are typically made using a blue LED with a phosphor emitter
    instead of RGB LEDs due to several reasons:

    Efficiency: Blue LEDs have higher efficiency compared to green and red
    LEDs. They can convert electrical energy into light energy more
    effectively, resulting in higher luminous efficiency. By using a blue
    LED as the primary light source, white LEDs can achieve greater overall

    Cost: Manufacturing processes for blue LEDs have advanced significantly,
    making them more cost-effective to produce compared to RGB LEDs. Blue
    LEDs are widely used in various applications, resulting in economies of
    scale and lower production costs.

    Color quality: Blue LEDs combined with a phosphor coating can provide a
    high-quality white light. The phosphor converts part of the blue light
    emitted by the LED into yellow light, resulting in a combination of blue
    and yellow light that appears white to the human eye. This method can
    produce a more uniform and pleasing white light compared to the additive
    color mixing of RGB LEDs.

    Stability and longevity: Blue LEDs have proven to be more stable and
    longer-lasting than green and red LEDs. The blue light is less prone to
    degradation over time, allowing white LEDs to maintain their color
    temperature and brightness more effectively.

    While RGB LEDs can be used to create white light by combining red,
    green, and blue light, they often have lower efficiency, higher cost,
    and poorer color quality compared to blue LED-based white LEDs. RGB LEDs
    are commonly used in applications where color-changing capabilities or
    specific color output is required, such as in decorative lighting or

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