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From: zalek <z...@h...com>
Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt,microsoft.public.windowsxp.general,alt.pl.com
Subject: Re: A complicated problem involving Mac, Linux and Win
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 20:05:02 -0700 (PDT)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On Oct 24, 9:14 pm, zalek <z...@g...com> wrote:
> On my PC on one IDE HD I have Mac (Hackentosh) and on anotherSATAHD
> I have WinXP, Linux Kubuntu and boot manager (GRUB).
> My WinXP have drives C:, F:, G: - WinXP is installed of F: (don't as
> me why, long story, but until disk crushed it worked OK). Now theSATA
> disk with WinXP and Linux crushed. Before it crushed I prepared a disk
> clone to be ready for a such situation, so after a crush I tried the
> clone. Boot manager worked OK and could boot Mac and Linux without
> problem - the problem (as usual) was WinXP. It started to boot and
> after a while it stopped. I tried a Safe Mode - the same results.
> Now the thing I don't understand - Mac and Linux can read WinXP files
> - but somehow drive F: (the one with WinXP) is missing. Drives C: and
> G: are visable. Any idea why? Is there any way to look on those files?
> I have an old version of Partition Magic 8.0 - on disk with Mac
> (working one) I am getting error #108, on disk with WinXP/Linux I am
> getting error #100, but on this disk Linux is working OK!!! How come
> Mac and Linux can see some files on theSATAdrive but Partion Magic
> not?
> Is there any programs similar to Partition Magic, for Linux or Mac?
> Thanks, dziekuje
> Zalek
I think I figured what happened. Using Windows Live CD http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/
I noticed f:\ drive with WinXP is missing. It looks that f:\ partition
is broken - this is the reason WinXP is not booting.
Now the question is if this partition can be repaired. If yes - how?
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