Data: 2009-10-25 01:14:44
Temat: A complicated problem involving Mac, Linux and Win
Od: zalek <z...@g...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]On my PC on one IDE HD I have Mac (Hackentosh) and on another SATA HD
I have WinXP, Linux Kubuntu and boot manager (GRUB).
My WinXP have drives C:, F:, G: - WinXP is installed of F: (don't as
me why, long story, but until disk crushed it worked OK). Now the SATA
disk with WinXP and Linux crushed. Before it crushed I prepared a disk
clone to be ready for a such situation, so after a crush I tried the
clone. Boot manager worked OK and could boot Mac and Linux without
problem - the problem (as usual) was WinXP. It started to boot and
after a while it stopped. I tried a Safe Mode - the same results.
Now the thing I don't understand - Mac and Linux can read WinXP files
- but somehow drive F: (the one with WinXP) is missing. Drives C: and
G: are visable. Any idea why? Is there any way to look on those files?
I have an old version of Partition Magic 8.0 - on disk with Mac
(working one) I am getting error #108, on disk with WinXP/Linux I am
getting error #100, but on this disk Linux is working OK!!! How come
Mac and Linux can see some files on the SATA drive but Partion Magic
Is there any programs similar to Partition Magic, for Linux or Mac?
Thanks, dziekuje
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