
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaEnergy Harvesting Latest Technology Research, Top Players with Current Trends and Emerging Challenges in 2017
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  • 1. Data: 2017-12-12 16:49:08
    Temat: Energy Harvesting Latest Technology Research, Top Players with Current Trends and Emerging Challenges in 2017

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    Energy harvesting reduces dependency on battery power, minimizes maintenance cost and
    as long as the ambient energy is available it will provide long term solution are the
    major drivers which help in surging the growth of this market whereas high initial
    setup cost may act as a restraining factor for this market. Innovation in energy
    harvesting technology such as ocean energy harvesting will add new opportunities for
    this market in the coming years.

    Key player - Convergence Wireless LLC, Cymbet Corporation, EnOcean GmbH., Honeywell
    International Inc

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