1. Data: 2009-01-22 14:19:26
Temat: Easy bit, hard bit
Od: Kris_gor <k...@p...onet.pl>
Na stronie:
Jest takie zdanie, którego nie mogę "przetrawić"...
To decode FSK, you need to delay the incoming signal by half a
bit-period (the easy bit) and then low-pass filtering the result (the
hard bit). At the end of the process the resulting signal is passed
through a bit-slicer to determine the logic level of the original bit.
In this case, the input signal is a unipolar 8-bit sample but this is
promoted to a signed 16-bit result; otherwise, signal-to-noise issues
swamp the filter. Internally, the filter uses 16-bit signed scaled
values; temporary accumulators and multiplication results are 32
O co chodzi z tym "easy bit" i "hard bit" ?
2. Data: 2009-01-22 14:26:41
Temat: Re: Easy bit, hard bit
Od: zelazko <z...@g...com>
> O co chodzi z tym "easy bit" i "hard bit" ?
Łatwa część i trudna część?