
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingCall for Contributions - Ada User Journal (AUJ)
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  • 1. Data: 2016-10-08 20:04:49
    Temat: Call for Contributions - Ada User Journal (AUJ)
    Od: (Dirk Craeynest)


    Call for Contributions

    Ada User Journal
    The journal for the international Ada community


    The Ada User Journal is produced by Ada-Europe. It appears four
    times a year, on the last days of March, June, September and December.

    General Information

    The Ada User Journal aims to inform readers of developments in the
    Ada programming language and its use, general Ada-related software
    engineering issues and Ada-related activities. The Journal also
    welcomes contributions on topics not strictly Ada-centric but related
    with its scope.

    The Journal publishes the following types of material (full list on
    the website):

    - Refereed original articles on technical matters concerning Ada and
    related topics.

    - Invited papers on Ada and the Ada standardization process.

    - Proceedings of workshops and panels on topics relevant to the

    - Reprints of articles published elsewhere that deserve a wider

    - News and announcements of interest to the Ada community.


    The Ada User Journal provides coverage of significant work in a set of
    (evolving) topics of interest, which include, but are not limited to:

    - Real-Time, Embedded and Critical Applications: Use of Ada and
    reliable software in real-time embedded systems, distributed
    (possibly heterogeneous) systems, high-integrity and critical

    - Reliable Software and Software Engineering at large: Case Studies and
    Experiments, Management of Software Development and Maintenance,
    Software Quality, Tools, Component-based Architectures.

    - Enabling Technologies: Compilers and Support Tools, Run-Time Systems

    - Ada Language Status and Evolution: A watchful eye on the Ada language
    revision process, with attention to user needs and vendor visions
    that may prompt amendments and enhancements to the language.

    - Ada Experience Reports: Field reports on the use of Ada in industrial
    projects. Insight on management approaches, programming techniques,
    software engineering metrics, comparisons with past or parallel
    experiences with other languages.

    - Education and Training: Issues, challenges and prospects on the use
    of Ada in Secondary or Higher Education. What should be taught to
    students to make good, language-neutral software engineers.

    Guide for authors

    All material for publication should be sent electronically. Authors
    are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief (
    by electronic mail to determine the best format for submission.
    The language of the journal is English.

    The Journal refereeing process aims to be rapid. Currently, accepted
    papers are typically published 3-6 months after submission. Items of
    topical interest will normally appear in the next edition. There is
    no limitation on the length of papers, though a paper longer than
    10,000 words would be regarded as exceptional.

    Templates are available for preparing papers in the Ada User Journal
    format, both for Microsoft Word and LaTeX. Please contact the
    Editor-in-Chief for details.

    By submitting a manuscript, authors grant Ada-Europe an unlimited
    license to publish (and, if appropriate republish) it, if and when the
    article is accepted for publication. Copyright remains with authors.

    Prospective authors should check the Journal website for detailed


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