Data: 2010-07-18 11:44:16
Temat: wybór sprzętu do programu równoległego
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[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Mam następujący problem: potrzebuję dobrać komputer do programu PARALEL PHOENICS
(liczy symulacje pożaru). Nie znam się. Nie wiem czy procesor wielordzeniowy
byłby efektywnie wykorzystany, nie wiem, też czy serwer wieloprocesorowy byłbym
efektywnie wykorzystany (i co wybrać). Wiem, że program może pracować na
klastrze ale taka konfiguracja mnie nie interesuje.
Byłbym wdzięczny za pomoc.
Oto informacje o rozważanym procesorze wielordzeniowym:
Oto informacje o programie:
Computer Models
Fire and Smoke
Model Name: PHOENICS
Version: 3.3.1
Classification: Field Model
Very Short Description: PHOENICS is a general-purpose computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) code for use by academia and industry as
a design and analysis tool for any process involving fluid
flow, combustion, and heat and mass transfer. The code
employs the finite-volume technique and it has been
applied across a wide range of industries, including
aerospace, chemical process, power generation, biomedical,
HVAC, health and safety, automobile, defence,
environmental and electronics.
Modeler(s), Organization(s): Professor D.B.Spalding, CHAM Ltd, 40 High Street,
Wimbledon, London SW19 5AU, UK.
User’s Guide: For user manual see
d_docs/tr326/tr326top.htm. For an overview of PHOENICS
see http://www.cham.co.uk/phoenics/d_polis/d_info/
Technical References: For PHOENICS Encyclopaedia, see
phoenics/d_polis/d_enc/encindex.htm. For Lecture
material, see
Validation References: For publications list see
http://www.cham.co.uk/website/new/ support/publish.htm
and also http://www.simuserve.com/cfd-shop/journal.htm.
For on-line application examples which includes validation
examples, see http://www.cham.co.uk/
Availability: PHOENICS can be obtained directly from CHAM (see
m #licence), or from one of its agents and distributors (see
m #agent). For further information, see also
Price: Academic, Commercial and R&D licences are available
whose price depends on computer platform and duration of
licence. Shareware versions are available by downloading
them from the Internet (see http://www.simuserve.com/cfdshop/
Necessary Hardware: DOS, WINDOWS 95, 98, NT, LINUX and UNIX
platforms. Parallel versions use standard message-passing
protocols (PVM or MPI) as used all major parallel
platforms, and so the code can run on any parallel machine
that supports PVM or MPI (see
Computer Language: FORTRAN/C++
Size: 250 MB of virtual memory and a minimum of 32MB RAM
are required to run PHOENICS. The basic installation
occupies 170 MB of hard disk.
Contact Information: Technical inquiries: Dr Michael Malin, CHAM UK, Tel
0208 947 7651, email m...@c...co.uk: Sales inquiries:
Mr Peter Spalding, CHAM UK, Tel: 0208 947 7651, email
Detailed Description:
The major features and capabilities of PHOENICS are listed below:
• Pre- and post-processors with VR-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) for
visualisation of geometry and problem settings plus interface to CAD system
• Data input via GUI and/or PIL command language.
• Steady and unsteady flow
• 1, 2 and 3 dimensional flow
• Cartesian, polar and body-fitted coordinate systems
• Complex geometry handled via body-fitted coordinates or alternatively by
cut-cell (PARSOL) method; options for multi-blocking and fine-grid embedding.
• Rotating coordinate systems
• Laminar and turbulent flow
• Parabolic, hyperbolic, elliptic and fully-developed flows
• Compressible and incompressible flow
• Subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow
• Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow
• Free, forced and mixed convection
• Single-phase, two-phase and multiphase flow
• A wide-range of turbulence models, including: Prandtl zero- and one-equation
models; LVEL algebraic low-Re model; k-ε model and several variants such as RNG,
Chen-Kim, Yap and two-scale split spectrum; Lam-Bremhorst and two-layer low-Re
k-ε models; low-Re and high-Re forms of Wilcox-Kolmogorov k-f model; Reynolds
stress and heat/scalar flux transport model; LES; and multi-fluid turbulence model.
• Two-phase Eulerian continuum, model including a wide range of interphase
heat and mass transfer laws and models of other interfacial processes such as
mass and lift.
• Lagrangian multi-phase model for particle, bubble and droplet transport in
deterministic and stochastic modes of operation
• Gaseous combustion models, including eddy-break up, eddy dissipation, fast
chemistry including prescribed double-delta pdf, 7-gases equilibrium model, and
multi-fluid combustion model
• Solid-particle and liquid-droplet combustion models
• Chemical kinetics with interface to the CHEMKIN chemical data base
• Thermal radiation models, including 6-flux, P-1, IMMERSOL,
model and surface-to-surface models
• Free-surface models via Scalar-equation, Height-of Liquid and two-phase
• Porous media with provision for anisotropic resistances
• Large number of solver options and large number of numerical discretisation
for the representation of convection
• Parallellised version for reducing computation times
• Graphical dynamic display of monitor point values and solution residuals
• User-FORTRAN facility via PLANT and GROUND feature for interfacing with
PHOENICS to specify user properties, boundary conditions and sources, solver and
numerical options, input and output features, and physical models.
• Extensive library of ready-made input files for the simulation of over 1000
• PHOENICS Journal in which users worldwide report their simulations including
input files and FORTRAN user coding.
Wysłano z serwisu OnetNiusy: http://niusy.onet.pl
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