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From: Mariusz Ł <e...@p...onet.pl>
Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
Subject: key commands
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 08:53:20 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Host Commands
These commands are sent by the Host to the Keyboard. The most common
command would be the setting/resetting of the Status Indicators (i.e.
the Num lock, Caps Lock & Scroll Lock LEDs). The more common and useful
commands are shown below.
ED Set Status LED's - This command can be used to turn on and off the
Num Lock, Caps Lock & Scroll Lock LED's. After Sending ED, keyboard will
reply with ACK (FA) and wait for another byte which determines their
Status. Bit 0 controls the Scroll Lock, Bit 1 the Num Lock and Bit 2 the
Caps lock. Bits 3 to 7 are ignored.
EE Echo - Upon sending a Echo command to the Keyboard, the keyboard
should reply with a Echo (EE)
F0 Set Scan Code Set. Upon Sending F0, keyboard will reply with ACK (FA)
and wait for another byte, 01-03 which determines the Scan Code Used.
Sending 00 as the second byte will return the Scan Code Set currently in
F3 Set Typematic Repeat Rate. Keyboard will Acknowledge command with FA
and wait for second byte, which determines the Typematic Repeat Rate.
F4 Keyboard Enable - Clears the keyboards output buffer, enables
Keyboard Scanning and returns an Acknowledgment.
F5 Keyboard Disable - Resets the keyboard, disables Keyboard Scanning
and returns an Acknowledgment.
FE Resend - Upon receipt of the resend command the keyboard will re-
transmit the last byte sent.
FF Reset - Resets the Keyboard.
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