
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingchoosing "small 2d graphics library" interfacechoosing "small 2d graphics library" interface
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    Subject: choosing "small 2d graphics library" interface
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    (pytanie po angielsku bo nie che mi sie przepisywac)

    (here im speaking about c implementation only)

    Im not sure if this question will find good
    answers here but imo problem is quite important
    (also interesting)

    I got something like that, small 2d per
    pixel library on my own, but the interface
    is a bit mess (not hard mess but i would
    like (ewentually) to get it really clean
    and tidy ;-) (im blinking becouse in my case
    it may be hard, but at least rethinking the
    interface is not bad)

    I need ExACT c intarface (small header)
    some questions to consider

    - should i make tlis library .lib or .dll,
    maybe source (if source should I put it in one
    file or more?)

    - should i make this library biger or smaller?
    I think smaller is beter, though it is not really
    clear if watching carefully, for example if
    i care about optimisation then i need like to provide more versions of routines)
    [such liberery is form its nature rather small, do not need
    vary many api calls, it seem that it should
    be for example between 10 to 50 functions
    exposed, draw line, set pixel, ew drav bezier,
    draw sprite etc

    - what should i put here (what functions ) to make it small but complete ?

    - if i make variants for functions (for example
    draw line with antialiasing and without) should i make separate function calls of
    parametrise the one?

    - what style of function names should i exactly chose (this is most iportant
    [could someone maybe wrote down the complete exact header examle?]

    - such library is a set of functions operating (writing to) a 2 dimensional pixel
    buffer (of size SIZE_X, SIZE_Y) i am not totally convinced how i should use this
    buffer, should it be
    encompased in library or should it be on the client code side and should i pass the
    (and sizes) in each api call
    (efficiency is important so if i should pass
    those 3 values BUFF, SIZE_X, SIZE_Y to each
    draw pixel, drawline it would be probably a
    waste, so what options do i have?

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