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From: d...@v...cs.kuleuven.be. (Dirk Craeynest)
Newsgroups: ie.comp,se.dator.programmering.diverse,no.it.programmering.diverse,dk.edb
Subject: The Ada Connection = Ada-Europe 2011 + Ada Conference UK 2011
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 19:36:45 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: Ada-Europe, c/o Dept. of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven
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Summary: Interested in reliable software? Register now for this event!
Keywords: Conference,tutorials,industry,reliability,Ada,LNCS,Edinburgh,UK
Originator: d...@v...cs.kuleuven.be. (Dirk Craeynest)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]----------------------------------------------------
FINAL Call for Participation
*** UPDATED Program Summary ***
The Ada Connection
16th International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2011
Ada Conference UK 2011
20 - 24 June 2011, Edinburgh, UK
*** Full Program available on conference web site ***
*** Check out the tutorial program! ***
*** Printed proceedings available ***
*** Register now! ***
Press release:
The Ada Connection = Ada-Europe 2011 + Ada Conference UK 2011
International experts meet in Edinburgh
Edinburgh (8 June 2011 20:00) - The Ada Connection, which combines
the 16th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies -
Ada-Europe 2011 - with Ada Conference UK 2011, will take place from
20 to 24 June in Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city and the UK's most
popular conference destination.
The Ada Connection is the union of two Ada events that have both
been very successful in their own right. The Ada-Europe series of
conferences has become established as an international forum for
providers, practitioners and researchers in all aspects of reliable
software technologies. The Ada Conference UK has been running
in its current form since 2006 as a series of biennial one-day
events, to highlight the increased relevance of Ada in safety-
and security-critical systems. By combining these events, the Ada
Connection will provide a unique opportunity for interaction and
collaboration between academics and industrial practitioners.
The conference offers two days of tutorials, three keynotes and
one invited speaker, a full technical program of refereed papers,
a collection of industrial presentations, two special panel sessions,
an industrial exhibition, and a social program.
The 9 excellent tutorials on Monday and Friday cover a broad range
of topics: Experimenting with ParaSail - Parallel Specification and
Implementation Language; Designing and Checking Coding Standards for
Ada; Programming Distributed Systems with YAMI4; Why and How to Measure
Non-functional Properties On-target; Hard Real-Time and Embedded
Systems Programming with Ada; Use of Object-Oriented Technologies
in High-Reliability Systems; MAST - Predicting Response Times in
Event-Driven Real-Time Systems; SPARK - The Libre Language and Toolset
for High-Assurance Software; Distributed Programming Techniques in Ada.
Three eminent keynote speakers have been selected to open each day
of the core conference program. Peter Bernard Ladkin (University
of Bielefeld CITEC and Causalis Limited), a recognised specialist
in system safety, will present a talk entitled "Functional Safety
of Software-Based Critical Systems". Pippa Moore (UK Civil Aviation
Authority), in her talk "Hippocrates and DO-178B", will address the
issues to be considered when attempting to "do no harm" when developing
a software system. Jeff O'Leary (US Federal Aviation Administration),
in his talk "Assuring Software Reliability While Using Web Services
and Commercial Products" will present a government software procurement
official's perspective on systems development and quality, and discuss
the implications, approach and unique issues of building reliable,
trusted web services using commercial products.
The technical program presents 12 refereed and carefully selected
papers on the latest research, new tools, applications and industrial
practice and experience, a collection of 12 industrial presentations
reflecting current practice and challenges, vendor presentations,
a panel session on "Programming Languages Meet Multicore", and a
panel session on "DO178C and Object-Orientation for Critical Systems".
Springer Verlag publishes the proceedings of the conference, as LNCS
Vol. 6652.
The exhibition opens in the mid-morning break on Tuesday and runs
continuously until the end of the afternoon break on Wednesday.
The exhibitors include the following vendors: AdaCore, Altran Praxis,
Causalis Limited, Ellidiss Software, Green Hills Software, IPL, LDRA,
Objektum Solutions, Rapita Systems, Resource Engineering, TTE Systems,
Vector Software, Verocel and Wind River.
The social program includes on Tuesday evening a welcome reception
with single malt Scotch whisky tasting in the exhibition area, and on
Wednesday evening a conference banquet dinner at The Signet Library,
just below Edinburgh Castle in the center of Edinburgh's Old Town.
Before the conference banquet, Les Hatton (Kingston University) will
give a pre-dinner speech entitled "On the Evolution of Unnatural
The venue for the Ada Connection is the John McIntyre Conference Centre
on the University of Edinburgh campus, close to the city center, and
at the foot of Arthurs Seat, the highest point in Edinburgh. The full
program is available on the conference web site. Registration is still
Latest updates:
- The 20-page "Advance Program" is available on the conference web site
<http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2011>, and directly at
- Check out the 9 tutorials in the full program (PDF) or
via the hyperlinks in the tutorial schedule on
- The proceedings, published by Springer Verlag as Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Vol. 6652, are ready and will be distributed at
the conference. More info is available at
- Registration fees are very reasonable and the registration can
be done on-line (preferred) or by faxing a filled-out form to
the conference secretariat. For all details, see
Don't delay!
- For the latest information consult the conference web site
Please circulate widely.
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
If you have a LinkedIn account, let your network know that you will
be attending or are interested in this event; see RSVPs on
D...@c...kuleuven.be, Ada-Europe'2011 Publicity Chair
*** 16th Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2011
*** June 20-24, 2011 **** Edinburgh, UK **** http://www.ada-europe.org
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