
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.telewizjawolnosc dla EPG - a polskie multiplexy dvb-t - temat dla UKE › Re: wolnosc dla EPG - a polskie multiplexy dvb-t - temat dla UKE
  • Data: 2009-02-03 12:05:30
    Temat: Re: wolnosc dla EPG - a polskie multiplexy dvb-t - temat dla UKE
    Od: szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    .....We believe that enabling a free, unencumbered and open EPG must
    be a condition of being granted a FTA broadcast license in Australia.
    The licensing authorities must be made aware that by not having
    control over which recording device we can use, or having to face no
    EPG at all if we do not choose the proprietary format machines, the
    Australian viewing public are being subjected to a highly restricted
    and commercially controlled digital viewing environment which
    ultimately, can only slow down consumer acceptance of digital
    television and therefore the overall growth of the medium in this


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