
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefonia.gsmwhatsup chce hasło do odblokowania?Re: whatsup chce hasło do odblokowania?
  • Data: 2021-09-03 11:49:09
    Temat: Re: whatsup chce hasło do odblokowania?
    Od: "J.F" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On Fri, 3 Sep 2021 07:33:14 +0200, ALEX MR wrote:
    > W dniu 02.09.2021 o 20:59, J.F pisze:
    >>> Giertch zato gratulował Ajplowi, że ma dobre zabezpieczenia bo mu się
    >>> Kaczyński nie włamał :)
    >> No nie wiem - wiesc guglowa mowi, ze Apple tez dziurawy.
    >> Tylko trzeba wiedziec z kim rozmawiac.
    >> Moze Kaczynskiemu wcale tak nie zalezalo, a moze sie poklocil :-)

    Mowimy raczej o tym

    A dokladniej
    Apple declined to create the software, and a hearing was scheduled for
    March 22. However, a day before the hearing was supposed to happen,
    the government obtained a delay, saying it had found a third party
    able to assist in unlocking the iPhone. On March 28, the government
    announced that the FBI had unlocked the iPhone and withdrew its

    Widac tym razem towarzysze Amerykanie nie pomogli.

    I jeszcze

    "Comey also confirmed that the tool was purchased from a third party
    but would not reveal the source,[60] later indicating the tool cost
    more than $1.3 million and that they did not purchase the rights to
    technical details about how the tool functions.

    Some news outlets, citing anonymous sources, identified the third
    party as Israeli company Cellebrite. However, The Washington Post
    reported that, according to anonymous "people familiar with the
    matter", the FBI had instead paid "professional hackers" who used a
    zero-day vulnerability in the iPhone's software to bypass its ten-try
    limitation, and did not need Cellebrite's assistance.[63][64] In April
    2021, The Washington Post reported that the Australian company Azimuth
    Security, a white hat hacking firm, had been the one to help the FBI."


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