
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.sci.inzynieriasolution manual
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 2

  • 1. Data: 2021-11-09 20:05:01
    Temat: solution manual
    Od: Tgrl <>

    hello, I am looking for the solution manual for "fundamentals and application of
    renewable energy" by Yunus Çengel. Could you help me?

  • 2. Data: 2022-03-16 21:44:23
    Temat: Re: solution manual
    Od: Mehmet Özdemir <>

    9 Kas?m 2021 Sal? tarihinde saat 22:05:02 UTC+3 itibar?yla Tgrl şunlar? yazd?:
    > hello, I am looking for the solution manual for "fundamentals and application of
    renewable energy" by Yunus Çengel. Could you help me?
    did you find solutions ? ( bulabildin mi cevaplar? ? )

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