
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaprogramowanie i kasowanie dwu kostek flash na jednej magistraliRe: programowanie i kasowanie dwu kostek flash na jednej magistrali
  • Path:!!!!news.unit!!!news.eternal-september
    From: Pszemol <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
    Subject: Re: programowanie i kasowanie dwu kostek flash na jednej magistrali
    Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 14:19:28 -0600
    Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Piotr Dmochowski <> wrote:
    > W dniu 2017-02-10 o 20:05, J.F. pisze:
    >> To nie port - to sama pamiec sie tak zachowuje.
    >> Trzeba jakos upchnac funkcje Flash w pinologie zwyklej pamieci
    >> e/ep/rom/ram.
    > No i teraz już wszystko jasne, dzięki za objaśnienie.
    > Przy takim rozwiązaniu sprzętowym faktycznie odczytanie dwukrotnie
    > pamięci jest OK. Czego to się człowiek może nauczyć :)

    Podobnie się zachowują inne kostki pamięci flash - w odróżnieniu od pamięci
    RAM (sram, dram) pamięci flash i eeprom można kasować tylko całymi
    sektorami (np po 64kbajty) a zapis może się odbywać tylko po wcześniejszym
    "odblokowaniu" funkcji zapisu z użyciem wewnętrznego kontrolera w kostce

    Jak chcesz więcej poczytać o tej pamięci to tu jest to dokladniej rozpisane
    co który bit rejestru statusowego ma znaczyć:

    Toggle Bit (DQ6)
    The toggle bit can be used to identify whether the program/erase controller
    has suc- cessfully completed its operation or if it has responded to an
    erase suspend. The toggle bit is output on DQ6 when the status register is
    During PROGRAM and ERASE operations, DQ6 changes from 0 to 1 to 0,
    and so forth, with successive bus READ operations at any address. After
    successful completion of the operation, the memory returns to read
    During erase suspend mode, DQ6 will output when addressing a cell
    within a block be- ing erased. DQ6 will stop toggling when the
    program/erase controller has suspended the ERASE operation.
    The Data Toggle
    Flowchart gives an example of how to use DQ6 and the toggle and al-
    ternative toggle waveforms describe toggle bit timing.

    Alternative Toggle Bit (DQ2)
    The alternative toggle bit can be used to monitor the program/erase
    controller during ERASE operations. It is output on DQ2 when the status
    register is read.
    During CHIP ERASE and BLOCK ERASE operations, DQ2 changes
    from 0 to 1 to 0, and so forth, with successive bus READ operations from
    addresses within the blocks being erased. A protected block is treated the
    same as a block not being erased. After the oper- ation completes, the
    memory returns to read mode.
    During erase suspend, DQ2 changes from 0 to 1
    to 0, and so forth, with successive bus READ operations from addresses
    within the blocks being erased. Bus READ operations to addresses within
    blocks not being erased will output the memory cell data as if in read
    After an ERASE operation that causes DQ5 to be set, DQ2 can be used
    to identify which block or blocks have caused the error. DQ2 changes from 0
    to 1 to 0, and so forth, with successive bus READ operations from addresses
    within blocks that have not erased cor- rectly. DQ2 does not change if the
    addressed block has erased correctly.

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