
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.motocyklepompowany kask (atrapa)Re: pompowany kask (atrapa)
  • Data: 2012-04-17 22:33:53
    Temat: Re: pompowany kask (atrapa)
    Od: __Maciek <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Tue, 17 Apr 2012 22:18:37 +0200 __Maciek <>

    >powrotem, może uda się gdzieniegdzie jakoś przymocować zawiasy meblowe
    >żeby rozkładanie było szybsze.

    O kurde, okazuje się że jest coś takiego:

    Wklepałem w google "foldable motorcycle helmet"

    I wyskoczyło

    Twenty-five-year-old Australian Jessica Dunn spent five months riding
    a motorcycle in Indonesia as a foreign exchange student, and that
    meant hauling a helmet around all that time. Weary of that grind after
    just 150 days, Dunn developed the Proteus folding helmet and it is now
    shortlisted for the James Dyson Award.

    An outer layer of polycarbonate covers polystyrene foam, and the
    innermost layer is a material that's pliable during normal use but
    instantly hardens when it registers an impact. The helmet itself
    collapses in a manner reminiscent of a hardtop convertibles, the visor
    slides back on top while the sides and back fold into the helmet's
    interior cavity. The Proteus helmet has been engineered to meet
    Australian safety standards, and when folded fits into a standard
    backpack. Have a look at the gallery of high-res images for a better
    view, and if you think that's funky, you should check out Julien
    Bergignat's Tatou helmet.

    Widać nie byłem pierwszy z takim pomysłem...

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