Data: 2011-03-21 17:07:40
Temat: Re: o ujebywaniu lusterek najnaukowiej
Od: marider <m...@g...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]W dniu 2011-03-19 12:25, KJ Siła Słów pisze:
> Ale jakby się ktoś chciał pogłębić abo co.
Przebrnalem z ciekawosci przez ta psychologiczna papke, wnioski jakby do
przewidzenia - cyt.:
1. There are clear differences in the various dimensions
of temperament and propensity to risk between
motorcyclists and other social groups.
2. There are no significant differences between
motorcyclists and other groups with regard to
3. Motorcyclists are not a homogeneous group
characterized by a similar temperament, risk and
4. About 11% of motorcyclists did not like riding at high
5. 28% motorcyclists can be defined by low physical,
social, ethical and financial risk. As such, they can be
called prevaricators.
6. One fourth of motorcyclists have a Mad Max syndrome,
characterized by an inability to stop physical and verbal
aggression, anger and hostility.
7. Almost 15% motorcyclists can be called adventurers,
attracted by dangerous/risky situations because of
associated pleasure.
PS: dzis troche gume zjaralem na F4i braciaka ale nawet pol Mad Max'a
nie wyszlo a tu prosze costoto jest innego niz myslalem -
Wsciekla Rn22 + dodatki
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