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Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 14:44:50 +0100
From: Grzegorz <brudas25@NIE_CHCE_SPAMUinteria.pl>
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Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
Subject: Re: ładowarka do akumulatorków AAA
References: <5e774023$0$526$65785112@news.neostrada.pl>
<r57iv5$1i32$1@gioia.aioe.org> <r58cu7$49o$1$Adam@news.chmurka.net>
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Xref: news-archive.icm.edu.pl pl.misc.elektronika:751586
[ ukryj nagłówki ]> oCharger will not restart when voltage drops.
> oNiMH is always charged at 0.5A
> The buttons can be used to change what is displayed, but do not affect
> the charging. Current selection depends on slot used and number of
> batteries. The default charge current for 1 or 2 cells is 1A, this is
> rather high for small cells. To fix this always put at least 3 batteries
> in the charger when charging
> This is a fairly simple charger to use with no selections, but this also
> means it is a bit difficult to charge small cells with the correct
> current (There must be 3 batteries in the charger). Restricting the 2A
> current to a specific slot, means that it is always possible to charge a
> single cell at 1A.
> I to by było na tyle.
> P.P.
możesz to napisać po Polsku ?
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